Pourquoi la chanson “Dans les Yeux d'Emilie” de Joe Dassin est si célèbre ?

· By Armelle Hillairet

Why is the song “Dans les Yeux d’Emilie” by Joe Dassin so famous?

You've definitely heard the song “Dans les yeux d'Emilie” at least once, whether it's the classic version by Joe Dassin , or the Féria/Rugby World Cup version , right? This famous song, although not from the South-West, has integrated into local culture thanks to its popularity and its lyrics that everyone remembers 🔥  

1. In the eyes of Emilie, a timeless creation by Joe Dassin  

“Dans les yeux d’Emilie” was written by Joe Dassin (singer) and Claude Lemesle (Lyricist), two major figures of French song in 1977. After the phenomenal success of his love song “L’été indienne” in 1975, the singer returned with an album called “Les Femmes de ma vie” in which he wrote his famous hit “Dans les yeux d'Emilie” .  

This song tells a nostalgic and melancholy love story , carried by Joe Dassin, who was able to captivate the public with this piece which evokes intense emotions. The song quickly became a success , confirming Dassin's talent and his ability to touch souls with his words and music.  

2. How did recent events lead to the revival of the song “Dans les yeux d’Emilie”?  

The basketball euro in 2015, the cover of Collectif Metissé , the anthem of the Rugby World Cup in 2023 but above all the favorite song during the South-West ferias: how this song by Joe Dassin came back on these big events and animates with joy all those who sing it? 

We have to go back 10 years ago, when the band “L’harmonie de Pomarez” covered the song during the basketball Euro . Already popular in the moors , the song is transmitted and spread at breakneck speed. Joyful and heady, it won't take much more for it to become THE song of the evenings. Like a macarena, she animates bars, stadiums and makes the youngest and the oldest sing.  

I'm giving you the music, but also the lyrics, because karaoke in the middle of the day is worth it 😜 

"In his neighborhood of old Quebec The streets seem to have the accent And the year two thousand neighbors with The gray houses of the old days But winter has just broken out The Saint-Laurent is a prisoner Of a December that will last six months When days resemble nights No clearing to hope for Who can believe that summer will come back to us
I had the sun Day and night in Emilie's eyes I warmed my life with her smile I had the sun Night and day in the eyes of love And Emilie's melancholy in the sun Became joy of living
In his neighborhood of old Quebec When the roofs become green again When children have dry feet We turn our backs on winter It's the spring festival The great return of the Saint Lawrence It seems like people are coming out of the earth But Emilie is no longer mine I'm cold for the first time I no longer have its warmth or its light
I had the sun Day and night in Emilie's eyes I warmed my life with her smile I had the sun Night and day in the eyes of love And Emilie's melancholy in the sun Became joy of living
At that time I had the sun Day and night in Emilie's eyes I warmed my life with her smile I had the sun Night and day in the eyes of love And Emilie's melancholy in the sun Became joy of living"

If you like Joe Dassin, we have his entire collection of official merchandise here:  

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