5 idées cadeaux pour vos grands-mères adorées

· By Armelle Hillairet

5 gift ideas for your beloved grandmothers

Grandmother's Day is Sunday March 3, 2024 this year! You may not be used to giving him something, but this year is the right one and a nice attention will please him. Indeed, we tend to forget that our grandparents are often alone and receive our visits (sometimes too rare) with pleasure... It's time to catch up with our 5 gift ideas for your grandmothers 😉

1. The In Extremis Tour T-shirt by Francis Cabrel

Put on the scene for the first time in 1977 with his song “Petite Marie”, which would become one of his biggest hits , he returned in 2020 with a new album “A l’aube revenant”. In 2023, he released a single, “Un piece de Sicre”, in tribute to a friend and to the city of Toulouse. Today he is on tour in Europe and in the middle of the year in the United States.

“La Corrida”, “Again and again”, “I loved you, I love you and I will love you” are titles that your grandmother probably knows... How can you not please her with a t- Francis Cabrel shirt and his guitar? 😍 It’s a nice gift for your grandmother.


2. Michel Sardou's fan

With more than 20 albums and a career spanning more than 50 years, Michel Sardou is back on stage in 2023-2024 for a final tour that he called “I remember a farewell”. In this tour, he obviously sings his famous hit “Les lacs du Connemara”, but also titles like “Je va t'aime” or “A girl with clear eyes”.

The Michel Sardou fan is a gift for a grandmother who is a fan of Sardou , but also a special attention for this summer (with the hot weather, it's always nice to have a way to fan yourself 😉 ).



3. The personalized photo of Renaud and his daughter Lolita

After 6 years off the stage, Renaud has been back since 2023 with his intimate tour “Dans mes cordons”. Accompanied on the piano by his friend Alain Lanty as well as string instruments, Renaud gives a series of concerts in which he sings his greatest songs: “Coeur perdu”, “Adieu Minette”, “C'est quand qu'on va Or"...

All big fans of Renaud know that his daughter has a special importance in the singer's heart. It was she who inspired the titles “Morgue de toi” and “Mistral Gagnant”. Your grandmother who is a fan of Renaud would be delighted to receive a photo of the artist and her daughter as a gift, which she can frame in her living room! 🤩


4. The “I’m going to love you” shopping bag

The musical “Je Vais T’aimer” is an ode to the songs of Michel Sardou , notably his title of the same name “Je vas t’aimer”. The musical, created in 2021 in Lille by Roberto Ciurleo and Franck Montel (producers), invites the public to enter into the stories of family memories from different eras.

The musical includes many titles by Michel Sardou such as “I'm going to love you”, “La Java de Broadway”, “En chantant” and many others... Your grandmother probably knows all of Michel Sardou's repertoire and the shopping bag is a perfect accessory for going shopping (singing 😉). This gift for your grandmother is also a subtle statement !



5. The connected album “Les mots bleus” by Christophe

Christophe became known in 1965, after his military service in Spain, with the title “Aline” which placed him number 1 in France and allowed him to sell more than a million records. Subsequently, its popularity grew slowly thanks to titles like “Les Marionnettes” (No. 1 in France and Belgium), “J’ai fait la mer”, or even “Je chante pour un ami”…

The connected album “Les mots bleus” is a modern, decorative gift and an album filled with pretty songs that your grandmother will love to listen to in the afternoon while waiting for you 😊. A gift that will take your grandmother for a ride!



So, have you found a gift idea for your grandmothers in this top? And if your grandmothers are more rock, French variety, or another style of music, don't hesitate to take a look at our universe , we have more than 90 artists who might please you (or him) 🤩

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