5 cadeaux personnalisés pour la fête des mères 2024

· By Yves Douzon

5 personalized gifts for Mother's Day 2024

May 26 , 2024 is Mother's Day , the opportunity to please your mother with more personalized attention than usual! So, what gift are you going to give your mom for Mother's Day? Why not pay homage to his musical tastes! We have selected five personalized gift ideas to suggest to you and which should cover as many musical preferences as possible.  

1. The “Happy Imbecile” sailor T-shirt by Vianney  

From his first album “Idées blanche” in 2014, Vianney left his mark on the French folk pop scene with his voice full of emotions perfectly in tune with his catchy acoustic melodies . He has since enjoyed success and awards with his 3 other albums “Vianney”, “N’attendons pas” and “A 2 à 3”.

If your mother likes French songs, she will definitely appreciate Vianney's music ! This gently teasing t-shirt will be a perfect gift for your mother. It is part of the artist’s “Vrai” collection , a brand that he created and develops with the greatest care.  

2. The Starmania star women’s T-shirt  

Presented for the first time in 1978, the musical Starmania, or rather “the rock opera”, still arouses just as much enthusiasm and admiration in 2024 . The new production, which has been performed since 2022 at the Seine Musicale in Paris and on tour throughout France, has attracted more than 1 million spectators ! 

We love the Starmania star t-shirt which features the show's emblem, which will be a great gift for all mothers who are fans of French variety ! 

3. The OFFSTAGE “Groupie” t-shirt  

Does your mother have an exaggerated cult following for a rocker, a bad boy or a singer from her teenage years? For Mother's Day, why not give a fun nod to this side of her personality?  
We designed a t-shirt specially dedicated to all the artist groupies around us! A fun and personalized gift that will make a splash!  

4. Prince’s “Purple Rain” t-shirt  

“Purple Rain, Purple Rain”! Who hasn't already hummed this legendary tune? Your mother is certainly no exception! 
The death of Prince in 2016 sparked global emotion like never before. The artist's flamboyant style and charisma have captured hearts all over the world through dozens of albums spanning 5 decades.
This aura is so strong that Prince, and particularly the title “Purple Rain” and its derivative products have become fashion objects, which go beyond the simple framework of music. This gift will undoubtedly please your mother! 

For Prince fans, we have also selected the book La Totale de Prince , which looks back on his entire career and his sprawling work of more than 600 songs! A must have! 

5. The Stars 80 mug 

Does your mother also wake up in the morning to song? Do we hear tunes from “Macumba”, “Born to be Alive”, “On va s'aimer” or “Je te donne” by Jean-Jacques Goldman in her home? 
So don't hesitate any longer, the Stars 80 collection, inspired by the tour of the same name which pays homage to all the French songs of the 80s, is made for her!  
At OFFSTAGE we love the Cassette mug , which will accompany your mother every morning with song! A nice wink gift for Mother's Day!  

Have you discovered a gift that appealed to you in this selection? If so, we are delighted! Otherwise, don't worry, we still have other gift ideas for you here:


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