3 vinyles à avoir chez soi en 2023

· By Armelle Hillairet

3 vinyls to have at home in 2023

Vinyls are back in fashion . Surprising? Not that much. Indeed, vinyls are becoming more and more popular. Whether you like vinyls for the "old school decoration" side, or because you are a collector, or because you are nostalgic for the sounds on turntables, more and more of you love them. But then, which ones should you absolutely have at home?  

1. Heart of Clara Luciani

Clara Luciani began her solo career in 2017, when she opened for Benjamin Biolay. In 2018, she released her first album entitled “Sainte-Victoire” , which brought her success marked by the “Révélation Scène” award by the Victoires de la Musique.  

In 2021, she released her second album “Coeur”, composed of 11 tracks, including a duet with Julien Doré . His album was a success, as he was also awarded two titles at the Victoires de la Musique : artist of the year and album of the year.  

A year later, she gave a video clip for “Coeur”, the first song from the album, which talks about domestic violence. Godmother of the “Maison des Femmes Marseille Provence”, she will donate the profits to the association , in support of abused women.  

A strong and successful album, it's a must-have among your classics. Available on Offstage.fr in premium version here:  

2. Supreme NTM, Joey Starr version of NTM  

How can you not have at home the famous “Supreme NTM” from the group bringing together Kool Shen and Joey Starr ? Released in 1998, the album is the last of the two rappers, bringing together the group's greatest hits: “Ma Benz”, “Pose your gun”, “Don’t let your son hang around”…  

The album, made up of 16 tracks, offers different styles: from energetic pieces like “Seine-Saint-Denis Style” to more thoughtful pieces like “That's My People” or even lighter pieces like “Ma Benz”. 

As soon as the album was released, more than 40,000 CDs were sold and the group reached number 1 in the charts . A month later, the album is already a double gold disc with 200,000 copies sold. Until the 2000s, the album continued to sell and reached 600,000 copies. 

It's one of the rap group's biggest hits, and it goes without saying that it's essential to have this album at home... “Let me zoom-zoom-zang in your Benz, Benz, Benz” , everyone has heard these words at least once! Available on Offstage.fr in premium version here:  

vinyl joey starr

3. River...Open your bed by Johnny Hallyday  

Released in 1969, “Rivière... Ouvre ton lit” is the twelfth album by Johnny Hallyday. Artistically, the album is considered a big change in the singer's career and today considered one of the best French rock albums. 

After the revolution of May 68, Johnny Hallyday moved towards more blues and psychedelic rock. His rock is harder, more committed and appeals much more to adults. For this album he surrounded himself with English musicians, notably Peter Frampton and Steve Marriott and lyricists Gilles Thibaut and Long Chris . Gilles Thibaut notably wrote the biggest hit of his career “Que je t’aime”, released shortly after the album... 

Why is it absolutely necessary to have it in your collection? According to the magazine “The Rolling Stones” or even Philippe Manoeuvre in his book “French rock, from Johnny to BB Brunes, 123 essential albums”, Johnny Hallyday's album is the 6th best French rock album. Available on Offstage.fr in premium version here:  

vinyl joey starr

 And what vinyl records do you have at home?


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